Batman Incorporated #7 - This issue featured the Native American "Man of Bats", which sounds pretty cheesy now that I wrote it out, but it was actually a really good story with a likeable character. I didn't think that Grant Morrison would be tackling the problems of life on the Reservations in this comic, but it's kind of cool to see him doing it while still being true to the conceit of this series. I'm wondering how this series is going to end before the big relaunch. It's not slated as one of the 52 new first issues that will be coming out, but supposedly it's going to be coming back eventually. I sure hope so because this is easily one of my favorite titles right now.
Detective Comics #878 - Speaking of favorites, Scott Snyder continues a remarkable run and tops off this story arc with a pretty great cliffhanger. I'm glad that Snyder will be continuing to write Batman in the eponymous Bat-title when the DC relaunch happens. Hopefully he can do just as interesting of a job with Bruce Wayne as he has with Dick Grayson.
The Amazing Spider-Man #664 - There wasn't anything too special going on here, but it was a solid issue. I'm not entirely sold on Anti-Venom, but Dan Slott made him interesting enough for this particular story. Also, I'm glad to see that they didn't resurrect a character that they seemed to be resurrecting. Oh, and it's nice to see the Hobgoblin subplot being continued.
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