Sunday, August 30, 2009

What I did over my summer vacation

After looking at last year's post about what I did during the summer, I was pretty hesitant to write about my accomplishments from the summer of 2009. I really don't have very much to speak of, and I hope that there's something significant that I'm missing. Basically, much of my time was spent dealing with Argos and his operation. (He's still doing great, by the way. That dog's got energy to burn like you wouldn't believe.)

Other than that, I suppose that I did a decent amount of writing. I wrote a complete short story/novella, "The Song of the Howlin' Tornado" and I finally have the first draft of an origin story that I've been trying to get down since I was in college. It needs a little bit of work still, but I think that with some tweaks I'll have something pretty good. I told myself that my goal was to have something that I'd submit for publication by the end of the summer. Honestly, I don't know why I don't just go ahead and see what I can do about "Tornado". I guess it's because I feel like that's simply the backdrop/prequel to a much larger saga. Maybe when I get that origin story, "The Return of Eagleman" fixed up, I'll see what I can do.

Other than that, I managed to keep busy by going for a walk every day whether Argos could make it with me or not. I also wrote about how we went to Mt. Wanda together. My wife and I talked about going on a trip, but what with the Argos situation, it really didn't pan out.

Of course, I also read a lot of comics (including all 100 issues of 100 Bullets) but I also read Henry V, so I have one more Shakespeare under my belt. I also read Member of the Wedding and Bless Me Ultima, but I had to do that as my pre-honors Freshmen (nerds) are going to be tested on those books. "Wedding" was a chore, but got better when I thought about it and discussed it with coworkers. "Ultima" was a pleasure to read for the most part.

So, I guess I got some stuff done, but I hope to have more to say for myself next summer.

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